Hello Everyone, Indian Entrepreneurs Forum e.V. Munich is announcing ‘Inder Talk’ Episode 2: Insights into Cybersecurity with Mr. Saket Modi, CEO & Co-founder of Lucideus, an enterprise Cybersecurity & Digital Business Risk Quantification (CRQ) platform company. Lucideus today protects the digital infrastructure of multiple Fortune 500 companies around the world with its Cybersecurity & Digital Business Risk Quantification platform called SAFE.
Interested to know more about Saket journey and opportunities & challenges of cybersecurity world, please do register on below links
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/events/indertalkepisode2insightsintocy6734141639759011841/
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/inder-talk-tickets-129218922275
Looking forward to your participation
IEF e.V. Team
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