1. Venue (Diamant Party Centrum, Amstelveen) – Over 800 seating capacity, 2 vast ambient interconnected halls (one dedicated to Puja celebrations and another dedicated to gala cultural evenings), separate bar for drinks and separate kitchen for bhog, lunch and dinner buffet, dance floor and a huge open parking lot
2. Puja Bazaar – Sales & Exhibition
3. Reader’s Corner – Book & Magazine Stalls, Sit & Read Area
4. Kid’s Zone – Trampoline park, Indoor Golf, Laser Games
5. Kid’s Competitions – Sit & draw, Go-as-you-Like, Elocution & lot more
6. Interactive Fun Games – Antakshari, Bingo & lot more
7. Celebrating Puja Spirit – Dhunchi Naach Competition, Shindoor Khela and what not (for detailed info on the schedule for all the 3 days please visit http://www.hoichoi.nl/
8. Gala Cultural Evenings – Live performances (covering both Bengali and Hindi events). The stage is open to anyone and everyone subjected to availability of slots
9. Hoichoi’s Bijoya Sammilani 2017 – To be held on Dashami evening (included in the same package, no separate registration needed). The stage is open to anyone and everyone subjected to availability of slots
10. DJ nights
And apart from all this, as promised, based on your request we are launching our 2 brand new registration packages to suit your needs better – ‘The Weekend Pass’ and the ‘3 Evening Pass’ and we’re offering early bird discounts of 5 Euros for a limited time. To register yourself visithttp://www.hoichoi.nl/
And remember, at Hoichoi’s Amstelveen Durgapuja 2017, YOU will be the real STAR. So come home to your family and we assure you that each one of you will get a chance to be a part of this mega carnival, as within the Hoichoi family we believe “Your wish is our command”! 🙂
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