Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Olst, The Netherlands
Shirdi Sai Baba Foundation has founded a Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Olst. This temple is dedicated to the spiritual saint Shirdi Sai Baba from India. The temple was erected after a thorough renovation of a former church building on Hendrik Droststraat. The temple is organized every Sunday and on heyday.

I will drag you like a sparrow’ (Shirdi Sai Baba)
Baba has promised that He will drag His devotees like a sparrow and nobody can stop Him, so it happened with Mrs. Sreekrupa Sasstry from Washington DC, Maryland (U.S.A.)
God’s Miracle in Sai Mandir Olst on 20 September 2016
Here is a story of a woman (Mrs. Sreekrupa Sastry) of Indian origin from Washington D.C.
She called Sai Mandir Olst from Washington D.C., USA on Monday 19th of september 2016 as she badly wanted to have Sai Darshan and wanted to know if the Mandir was open the next day. She had a dream where Baba told her to come to Olst, The Netherlands. She had never heard about Sai Mandir Olst. So she checked it up on internet and yes! The Mandir existed. Fortunately I had picked up the phone and said that the Mandir was open only on high light days or in the weekends especially on Sundays. The lady was eager to come as soon as possible and could not wait until Sunday and requested me if she could come the next day Tuesday 20th of September. She said she would take a direct flight from Washington DC to Amsterdam just te have Baba’s Darshan and fly back the next day. I was surprised and could not believe if this was true. I thought it was a joke or someone was trying to fool me. I shared my mobile number with her and forgot the whole matter. The next day I received an e-mail from her and yes ! she had taken the flight to Amsterdam and was on the train to Olst. I received update messages from her during her journey in the train to Olst. I agreed to pick her up from Olst station at 17.00 h and brought her to the Mandir. We prayed together, did Dhoop Aarti and 108 Pradakshana’s and meditated and took prasad. After which she looked very happy and satisfied. I dropped her back at the station. She said that if nobody was to open the Mandir, she just would have come, touch the front doorsteps and leave. That would be sufficient. But Sai’s Grace was great. She took her flight back the next morning. She said that she will regularly come to the Mandir. In the Sai Satcharitra Sai Baba said: ” I will drag my devotees like sparrows, nobody can stop it”.
Reaching home she wrote to me :
“Olst is my Shirdi ever since. I am Blessed by Baba and I am grateful for everything he has given me. It doesn’t matter what you feel, God’s word will produce a miracle. I am still in such disbelief as it happened so fast. I am convinced God does miracles, but simply believing God is able to do it. To meet God there is no distance”
Shraddha – Saburi
Om Sai Ram
Etienne Premdani ( Chairman Sai Mandir Olst, Netherlands.
Opening Sai Mandir 9 May 2016
The opening of the Sai Mandir in Olst on 9 May 2016 attracted a lot of interested people. Visitors from all over the Netherlands, but also from UK and Belgium witnessed a special opening ceremony. After a number of solemn acts, everyone could enter the temple. Speeches were given by, among others, the Indian ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr J.S. Mukul, and the deputy mayor of Olst-Wijhe, Mr. H. Engberink. They spoke enthusiastically about the Etienne Premdani initiative. He founded the Shirdi Sai Baba Foundation to realize the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Olst.
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