Present times are trying and asks for societal initiatives to help those in need.
Friends of Frankfurt set up a “*Corona Pandemic Help Centre*” in our building in Eschborn. People who are sick can write their requirement and one of the volunteer will purchase things for them from supermarket.
Also those who might have something more than they need, can donate to the box.
As a start we also kept some toilet papers for those who couldn’t find it in supermarkets.
Thanks Kamal Vatsain and Vedha HK for this wonderful Initiative.
Also played conch in solidarity of call of PM of India at 5 PM IST (12.30 CET)
P.S : Be careful while you help others. Maintain a distance of 1.5 m and wash hands after you return.
#StaySafe #CoronaPandemicHelpCentre #Conch
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