India For the second time in a short time, the Ambassador of the Indian Republic to the Czech Republic, His Excellency Hemant Harishchandra Kotalwar, honored the city of Liberec. Mayor Ivan Langr and Deputy Governor Kv velta Vinklátová welcomed the ambassador with his escort yesterday at Liberec Town Hall.The ambassador has expressed interest in bilateral co-operation with city and county organisations and Indian organisations in the fields of innovation, science and technology, culture and commerce. He was also interested in art glassmaking and the possibility of Indian artists, musicians and dancers performing at cultural events held in Liberec Region.Such a space can be offered to them, for example, the Art Week festival, which takes place in Liberec always at the end of summer, or the festival of foreigners and national minorities “Liberec – one city for all”, which traditionally takes place in the summer on the square in front of the town hall.At the end of the visit, the ambassador signed into the city chronicle.
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