On behalf of the Government of India, Ambassador Kumar Tuhin paid his respects to the Commonwealth’s fallen troops at the annual Commonwealth Service of Remembrance held at the Westduin Cemetery in The Hague. Additionally, he emphasized the heroic role played by Indian soldiers throughout World War I and World War II.
On behalf of the Netherlands Joint Committee of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the Embassy of India in The Hague was honored to host this service this year.
Alongside the Embassy of India, ambassadors, members of the Diplomatic Corps, officials of the Dutch government, and other organizations paid their respects to the courage and commitment of the fallen Commonwealth and Stijkel Group soldiers.
Source : https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=878958414420626&id=100069194260089&rdid=vmjzI1vJeXic2x61
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